Diagon Alley - Pottermore
Diagon Alley is when it gets exciting and more interactive. Your first objective is to find your school shopping list, then you’re off to Diagon Alley where you must open an account and retrieve your galleons. After all, how are you going to buy your supplies if you don’t have money?

Gringotts Wizarding Bank - Pottermore
You start with 500 galleons—I’m rich!—then you’re off to shop for school supplies. I’ve decided to buy the books first, as Flourish and Blotts is close by. Whenever you feel unsure of what you need, the shopping list is always there for review. And, it’s nice enough to strikeout things that you’ve already bought. Genius!
You will not be able to purchase your wand until you have completed buying all your supplies. Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands will be your last stop at Diagon Alley. Your wand will be chosen based on how you answer seven questions.

My Pottermore wand
Et voilà! My wand is beech with unicorn core, 10 inches, reasonably supple.
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