Sometimes when I need to shake off the stress, I turn to craftmaking, mostly jewelry-making. I made a duct tape clutch some weeks ago. My particularly stressful times last year at work produced around 4 pairs of earrings & a necklace. Anyway, I was really nervous about a recent interview, so I decided to whip out my jewelry supplies and went about experimenting.
My friend bought me some beads and things last year for Christmas, and I haven’t had the chance to use them. The green, glassy ones really caught my eye so I decided to feature them in the following earrings.
These are going to be a gift for a friend this Christmas:

Wow that is one good stress reliever! You can even make money out of it. :))
Thanks! My friend & I have thought about making a whole bunch and selling them at an artists’ alley.
OMG!! really? you did that earrings??? OMG! It’s too cuute.. I love chandelier earrings.. it’s so sexyyy sis.. niiice… niiice make more and you can sell em’ online
Thank you! I’m glad you like them. I took a jewelry class last year and I’m glad to be putting it to good use. I don’t think I’m good enough to be selling them yet, though. Maybe in another year or 2
I love how crafty and creative you are. You’re talented at making those! Those are such nice pieces to give away as gifts most definitely
Thanks They also tend to be cheaper since I bought my materials in bulk. Plus, I can control what style I want to better match the style of the person I’ll be giving it to.
wow sis! you are so very talented on making accessories :3 hihi. that is so very cute <3<3 anyways, anong plugin gamit mo to enlarge to picture?
Thanks! I still have a lot to learn. My next goal would be to learn to make my own purse. *fingers crossed* I use a lightbox plugin Hope that helps.
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