I don’t think it should be socially acceptable for people to say they are “bad with names.” No one is bad with names. That is not a real thing. Not knowing people’s names isn’t a neurological condition; it’s a choice. You choose not to make learning people’s names a priority. It’s like saying, “Hey, a disclaimer about me: I’m rude.”
After being utterly disappointed by I Was Told There’d Be Cake, which lured me in because of its food-related title (how dare you?!), I swore off personal essays/memoirs for awhile. That is, until I saw Mindy Kaling promote her book on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Now, I don’t know anything about Mindy except that she’s in the American remake of The Office, which I don’t watch. Nevertheless, I thought she was likeable, so I promptly borrowed her book from the library.
I was not disappointed. Reading the book made me smile. A lot. She’s relatable. And, even when you can’t relate, you get her. She talks to you like a friend, an equal. She embraces her weirdness and lets you in on her insecurities. She’s a real person and I felt like I would like her if I ever met her. And, that she’d make me smile & laugh the whole time.
The lady who authored I Was Told There’d Be Cake, Sloane Crosley, seemed arrogant. Like I’m not cool enough because I don’t casually snort cocaine or whatever. Like I could never relate to her because she grew up in an upper middle class family in Unimportant Town, New York. Like I’m not unique enough because I don’t collect toy horses that remind me of ex-boyfriends. I get it, lady, you’re awesome and super cool. *cue eye roll*
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I haven’t heard of either of these books. I have often found out about books that famous people write after they’ve become famous… and if I like the person, I check out their book. I think it’s really interesting. It’s strange because I’ve never heard of an author change paths and head into television, though I know Cecelia Ahern started writing a television show and it was nowhere near as successful as her books.
I often get that vibe from some people when they talk – they seem arrogant or bitchy. Even as characters in a show, when I see the actor or actress talk off the show… you can tell a lot about people from the way they talk, be it voice or written.
I wasn’t familiar with either author before I read their books. I think Sloane is more popular in the magazine circuit as she’s written for Vanity Fair, Elle, Vogue, etc. As for Mindy Kaling, she acts and writes for the American remake of The Office.
I agree with you about getting vibes from actors when they talk. Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t because I always want to imagine them as these awesome characters and don’t want their actual personalities to belittle my love for their characters
The title of I was told there’d be cake reminds me of the video game Portal from which “the cake is a lie” became an Internet meme. But taken out of that humorous context, it sounds like a whiny title. I find that a lot of people I meet who grew up in more privileged than average households, like me, tend to be at least a bit whiny, and that’s a trait that I’m trying to beat out of myself.
I’ve never heard of Mindy Kipling before, and I think that I’ll add her book to my list of books to read.
My friend has recommended that game to me numerous times, but I’ve never had the chance to give it a try. Looks like I’m missing out on something
I’ve no problems with reading something from the perspective of a privileged person. For me, I think it’s just her tone. There’s something disconcerting and offputting about it. I can’t explain. I think the reviewers on Goodreads.com can put it into words more than I can. They’re a lot more articulate. Hahaha.
If you do get a chance to read Mindy Kaling’s book, let me know what you think. It wasn’t as laugh-out-loud as Tina Fey’s book, but it really endeared me to her, primarily because I related to her. I, too, came from immigrant parents who worked hard, long hours (both work in the medical field) without complaining just to give us a comfortable life. I didn’t go to an Ivy League school, though. I opted for a much smaller school. LOL.
my gosh, i must be rude, then. lol. i do sometimes forget other people’s names..or maybe that can be due to one of those ‘senior moments’ thingy.
same here, sometimes i don’t like how a certain author writes, so i tend to shy away from them…
Hahaha. I don’t think you’re rude. I’m sure she means those people who never bother to learn names and use “I’m bad with names” as an excuse.
I agree no one is bad with their names. xD and ooh! I am having problem on remembering others name. Sometimes i ended up calling them hey! hahah. Bad me xD I am not very familiar with the author since I am not that fun of reading. I only read if i want too o__O
I’m better at remembering faces than names, but repetition definitely helps. Hahaha. “Nice to meet you [person’s name].” “So [person’s name], what line of work are you in?”
I think I’ve heard of Mindy Kaling..she might’ve even appeared as a guest on Chelsea Lately promoting her book. I don’t remember all that well since it was some time ago and I’m usually half-asleep by then whenever I tune in to the show XD From what you’ve described and from just looking at the cover, you can tell she’s got a quirky albeit friendly personality about her. Someone likable & relatable is always good
I wouldn’t be surprised if Mindy was on Chelsea Lately. I think she was really plugging her book everywhere I follow her on Twitter now and I feel like every 5th tweet is plugging her book in some way. Hahaha.
Ohh i’ve been meaning to read that book! i saw it at the bookstore the other day and it looked very relatable.
I’ve never heard of the “i was told there’d be cake” though. I’m not into the whole memoir type books, but i really want to read Mindy’s book! maybe once i’m done my pile of “books to read” haha
If you ever get the chance to read Mindy’s book, let me know what you think of it!
I am not familiar with both of the authors. but the titles are catchy! I might browse some of her books to see.
I’d definitely recommend Mindy’s book first, over Sloane’s. But, to each their own, right?
I’ve been reading a lot of book reviews from different blogs and I really envy you guys having a passion to read. I’d like to read novels but I don’t have the time to do that.
I usually read a few pages before I go to bed. It becomes a routine and before you know it, I’ve finished a book