Friends, Random Thoughts

I worked for a shady company…

I just found out that one of work friends, Tim, was let go. His boss called him into his office right before the Christmas party to tell him that they’re restructuring the company & that his services were no longer needed. The strange thing is that he’s one of their best, if not THE best. He made the company $3 million this year on just ONE of his promos. Based on revenue reports, he’s made them more money than anyone there!

For some reason, his boss doesn’t like him. We’re unsure why. He’s shy, so maybe he doesn’t go out drinking with his boss & coworkers often? Or maybe he doesn’t suck up to his boss? We don’t know. But, as of today, three weeks later, nobody else was let go because of “restructuring.” It’s become evident that “restructuring” is just an invented reason to get rid of him.

Unfortunately, we’re not surprised. They’ve been known to resort to these tactics when they try to get rid of people they’ve grown to dislike. Most recently, it happened to the girl who replaced me.

There’s not much we can do about it, but I’ve heard that the company has many lawsuits against it for fraudulent claims, false advertising, and who knows what else. (They’re a financial company.) I’m really hoping that the SEC (United States Securities and Exchange Commission) finally shuts them down

Friends, Random Thoughts

My replacement

So, it’s been almost a year since I’ve quit my job. (I can’t believe it’s been that long!) When I first left, I was very curious of my replacement—whether she was doing well or not. Some of my former coworkers have said she was no me. After several months, I figured she was doing well as I hadn’t heard any complaints about her.

Out of the blue, one of my friends told me that my replacement has been let go. Apparently, she was let go because she didn’t have enough experience and didn’t have the right skill set for the job. I feel really bad for her, as she’s almost a year in and they’ve waited this long to let her go. If they had so many problems with her, they should’ve addressed it with her sooner or trained her. OR, maybe they shouldn’t have hired her at all!

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