Blog, Random Thoughts

My Sorting

The Sorting Hat - Pottermore

The Sorting Hat - Pottermore

As every Harry Potter fan knows, the Sorting Hat Ceremony is one of the most important events in a student’s life as this is the moment when the Hat will decide which House you will spend all seven of your years at school. These are the students you will be living with and spending most of your time with. My favorite Houses are Gryffindor (of course!) and Ravenclaw, but I am happy to be able to help shape Pottermore before everyone else, so any House will be fine.

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Blog, Friends

The Versatile Blogger

The Versatile Blogger award

Thanks to Karen for this award

Award Rules:

  • Thank and link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
  • Share Seven (7) things about yourself.
  • Pass it along to at least 15 fabulous bloggers.
  • Contact the bloggers you awarded to let them know about the award.

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Random Thoughts


Pottermore Account Validation

As someone who devoured the books, it’s only normal that I got excited when J.K. Rowling announced Pottermore, a “unique online Harry Potter experience” enabling millions of fans to interact with her books online. And, with the revelation that she’ll be sharing many more backstories and information about the world of Harry Potter, I promptly signed up to receive an email in October when the site was open to all! Like many fans, I didn’t want this magical world to end. This was my childhood. I grew up with these characters. And, in a weird way, they were my friends. Continue reading

Blog, Friends, Shopping

i am tuned in

During my mini hiatus, I helped code my friend’s website. I’m plugging it here because she has some nice merchandise and a (FREE!) kickin’ mix tape. Take a look
